The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish fade night lotion

The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish fade night lotion

They say: Use The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion to improve the appearance of blemish-damaged skin, control oiliness and moisturize while you sleep; a light, moisturizing, non-oily lotion that sinks into the skin. Best for oily/blemished skin.

I Think: I have been using this (along with the Tea Tree foaming cleanser) since around 3 – 4 years and since then,I have not known a trace of blemish,dark spots, excess oil around my face. My skin is prone to allergies and I have to pick products very carefully. This is my third bottle of The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish fade night lotion and I am happy with it. I have a combination skin!

One thought on “The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish fade night lotion

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